Friday 16 November 2012

First Look

During week 1 of our virtual environments assignment we divided ourselves into groups of four. Once we were in our groups we chose a team name. The name that our group decided on was 'Infamous' as Roosevelt' described the day of December 7th 1941 as 'The day that lives infamy'.

Once we had a name for ourselves we decided to choose which part of the animation each member would like to do. Doing this we looked at each others strengths, expertise and skills and the interests of each member to come to a decision. 

My part of the animation was too model Pearl Harbour itself and the surrounding environment. I made the decision to do this because I had previous experience in modelling environments and terrains. 

Before starting my modelling there were a few aspects of this that i had to look at. I looked at various contour maps and height maps to get the layout of the harbor. Also when looking at maps I found road and building layout maps which actually showed where the buildings stood in Pearl Harbor 1941. I found this very useful to be as accurate as i could when modelling my environment. 

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